Lijun Zhang

Lijun Zhang

Associate Professor

Case Western Reserve University

Dr. Zhang is a computational biologist and bioinformatician whose research interests include: developing genetics and bioinformatics methods that can be applied to advance the understanding of the complex neural processing associated with disorders disease and cancer diseases and to enhance clinical applications of imaging and genomics by assisting in diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic assessments.

Dr. Zhang obtained a Ph.D in Computer Science and had postdoc training in Biostatistics and Bioinformatics and Neurology depts., separately, before he was appointed as Assistant and Associate Professor in the Institute for Personalized Medicine, the Dept of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the Cancer Institute at the Penn State University (PSU). Dr. Zhang joined CWRU in 2022 and continued his research on computational and statistical methodology and analysis on high-dimensional biomedical data.

Dr. Zhang has ample experience in genetic analyses and computer science with comprehensive training in data mining on large databases, efficient parallel computation, and software package development. He has extensive collaboration with computer scientists, clinicians, and biologists on different biomedical fields, including neuroimaging analysis, WGS/WES mutation/structural variation analysis, virus/bacterial assembly, pathogen analysis, and RNA analysis in Parkinsons, Alzheimer, Bipolar, Head/Neck Cancer, AML, and Neonatal Sepsis diseases.

If you want to know more about Prof. Zhang, Please visit

  • Cancer Research
  • Neuroimaging Research
  • Microbial Research
  • PhD in Computer Engineering and Computer Science, 2009

    University of Louisville

  • MS in Electrical Engineering, 2005

    Shanghai Jiao Tong University

  • BSc in Electrical Engineering, 1999

    Harbin Institute of Technology